How to Effectively Manage Remote Teams in the Nonprofit Sector

Woman sitting on floor, working on laptop

Introduction to Remote Work in Nonprofits

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a significant shift in the workforce, with many organizations, including nonprofits, adapting to remote or hybrid work arrangements. The transition to remote work comes with its unique set of challenges, and nonprofit leaders must find effective ways to manage their remote teams to maintain productivity and engagement. In this article, we will explore strategies and best practices for managing remote nonprofit teams effectively.

Example: A local nonprofit organization, PNP, faced challenges in adapting to remote work during the pandemic. By implementing the strategies discussed in this article, they managed to increase their remote team's productivity and engagement, leading to a more efficient workforce.

Setting Clear Expectations and Goals in Nonprofit Sectors

computer screen showing a Zoom meeting with two people smiling and laughing

One of the keys to managing remote nonprofit teams effectively is setting clear expectations and goals for each team member. This involves establishing a remote work policy that outlines the basic etiquette, expectations for communication, work hours, and team meetings. Regular one-on-one video conferences and periodic check-ins can help ensure everyone is on the same page and understands their role in the organization.

Using project management tools can help streamline remote processes, monitor progress, and enhance team productivity. Nonprofit-friendly project management tools like Asana, Trello, and Airtable can be beneficial in this regard.

Collaboration and Team Building

Creating a sense of community and collaboration among remote workers is essential for maintaining engagement and job satisfaction. Utilize tools like video conferencing and instant messaging that allows teams to facilitate communication and collaboration via remote connections.

Virtual team-building activities, such as online icebreakers, group games, and shared interests clubs, can help promote engagement and socialization. Some popular virtual team-building activities include QuizBreaker, an online quiz platform that helps team members get to know each other better, Water Cooler Trivia, which provides weekly quizzes for your team to bond over, and TeamBuilding, offering a range of virtual team-building events and games. A virtual water cooler or a designated chatroom can facilitate casual conversations and team bonding, which is especially important when working remotely. Platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams are excellent options for creating virtual water coolers, as they allow you to set up separate channels for both work-related and casual conversations.

Effectively Manage Trust, Accountability, and Performance Metrics

laptop screen showing multiple people attending a virtual meeting

Building trust and accountability among remote team members is crucial for the success of remote work. Regular check-ins, providing constructive feedback, and recognizing achievements can help create a culture of trust. Encourage open communication and transparency by sharing information about the organization's goals and progress. This openness will make team members feel more involved and invested in the nonprofit's success, further strengthening trust.

In addition to fostering trust, it is vital to establish clear performance metrics and expectations for remote team members. This process involves setting realistic, measurable goals and objectives that align with the organization's mission and vision. Utilize key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress and assess team members' contributions. Periodic performance reviews can be used to provide feedback and ensure that team members remain accountable for their work. Implementing a performance management system that integrates trust and accountability will lead to a more engaged, productive, and committed remote workforce.

Providing Resources and Support

Ensuring remote team members have access to the necessary tools, equipment, and technology is essential for their success. Many organizations provide laptops, internet connections, and software to their employees working remotely. It's crucial to choose the right tools and platforms that cater to your nonprofit's unique needs. Some popular vendors offering nonprofit discounts include Microsoft, which provides Office 365 for Nonprofits, and Zoom, which offers discounted video conferencing plans for eligible nonprofits. In addition, offering training and development opportunities can help remote team members grow and succeed in their roles, as continuous learning is essential in today's rapidly changing work environment. Platforms like TechSoup provide affordable access to a wide range of software, hardware, and services tailored specifically for nonprofit organizations.


Effectively managing remote teams in the nonprofit sector involves setting clear expectations and goals, fostering collaboration and team building, creating a culture of trust and accountability, and providing adequate resources and support. By implementing these strategies, nonprofit leaders can maximize the potential of their remote workforce, ensuring productivity and engagement.


  1. What are some challenges of managing remote nonprofit teams? Managing remote nonprofit teams can be challenging due to communication barriers, maintaining engagement, fostering collaboration, building trust, and ensuring accountability.

  2. How can nonprofit organizations maintain team engagement while working remotely? Nonprofit organizations can maintain team engagement by implementing virtual team-building activities, providing regular feedback, recognizing achievements, and creating a virtual water cooler for casual conversations and bonding.

  3. What are some useful project management tools for remote nonprofit teams? Asana, Trello, and Airtable are some nonprofit-friendly project management tools that can help streamline work processes and enhance team productivity.

  4. How can nonprofit leaders build trust and accountability in their remote teams? Nonprofit leaders can build trust and accountability through regular check-ins, providing constructive feedback, recognizing achievements, and setting clear performance metrics and expectations.

  5. What resources and support should be provided to remote nonprofit team members? Remote nonprofit team members should have access to the necessary tools, equipment, and technology, such as laptops, internet connections, and software. Additionally, training and development opportunities should be provided to help them grow and succeed in their roles.

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