Improving Your IT to Ensure a Successful 2020

Happy New Year from the team at PCS! We hope your year has been as productive as ours, and wish you all the best for the coming twelve months and for the decade ahead. Everyone has played a role this year, with our employees, partners, and clients all contributing to our success. It's been a big year for PCS, with tremendous growth and improvements seen across all areas of our business. Thank you for being a part of our story - I know you're looking forward to the next chapter just as much as we are.

Of the many things that defined 2019 for PCS, none was as exciting as our merger with Fix Swift IT. This significant partnership enabled us to increase support services across the board, with our team now double its original size and more capable and responsive than ever before. Our team now includes 18 employees, each of whom offers a unique blend of skills and experience. Throughout this merger, we have made sure that you benefit from all of our new capabilities and bandwidth.

Along with growth and development, 2019 was also about improving our internal processes and developing a more streamlined operation. By focusing on how we operate and taking the time to understand your needs, we have found the ideal balance between practical support and future innovation. With increased offerings available for cyber security, we are ready for 2020 and all the opportunities it will provide.

Looking ahead to the future

2020 is not just another year, it's an entirely new decade of challenges and opportunities. We have already developed several ideas regarding maintenance and upgrades for IT infrastructure, with the world of managed services and cloud technology changing at a faster rate than ever before. Whether you're making the first move or you're ready to accelerate your cloud migration strategy, there's never been a better time to jump on-board.

In this world of new technologies and abstract ideals, it's easy to forget about what really drives innovation. Now more than ever, it's important to remember the people who define your organization and implement systems based around their needs. In addition, data integrity and security concerns continue to influence and challenge the IT landscape.

According to a recent NTT report into emerging tech trends; "the demand for multicloud and hybrid IT is a major driving force behind the growth of software-defined everything.

PCS understands the need for robust security, which is why we've developed a product called Security+. Small businesses face targeted attacks everyday, with a risk assessment and management plan helping to ensure protection. While risk is inherent with technology, there's so much you can do to reduce your exposure through robust planning, consultation, and effective cyber security practices.

In spirit of the new year, the following five resolutions will go a long way towards your success in 2020.

  • Implement custom solutions

  • Make a commitment to the cloud

  • Don't forget about your people

  • Stay agile and flexible with managed services

  • Make your own business technology resolutions - what's important to you?

Increasing the knowledge base

As part of PCS's own new year's resolutions, we will start publishing regular articles and news content for your benefit. Along with providing leading IT data and security services, we look forward to keeping our Bay Area clients and prospective clients in the loop on all aspects of managed IT and data security. If you would like to submit ideas for topics that are relevant to you, please reach out to our friendly and responsive team.

If you understand the need for professional computer support, but don't have time to focus on the details, we're here to help. PCS provides a wide array of managed IT and cyber security services, from consultation and support through to detailed assessment, migration, and long-term strategy. We offer the perfect combination of vision and dedication so you can focus on what really matters - operating your business. If you'd like to learn more, please make contact with our team to get the support that you deserve.

PCS is a world-class leader in protecting data & identity for businesses and non-profits. We provide a critical service to businesses and non-profits by managing cybersecurity risks, including ransomware, crypto walkers, phishing emails, and other evolving cyber crimes. See how IT services can benefit your company.


Data Recovery – Backup – Disaster Recovery


PCS and FixSwift IT Merge Forces