Top 3 Cybersecurity Practices Every Small Business Should Follow

With 43% of cyberattacks directed at small businesses, cybersecurity is more important than ever before. The problem? Over 40% of small businesses don't have any cybersecurity plan at all, leaving critical business data vulnerable to hackers and insider threats. The good news? Whatever your budget, you can improve your company's cybersecurity profile by following three simple steps — let's break them down.

1. Use Strong Passwords

Passwords are the first line of defense against cybercrime.

  • Encourage employees to use strong passwords that include a mixture of numbers, letters, and special characters.

  • Change passwords at least once every six months.

  • Never share a password with anyone, no matter who asks for it.

  • Where possible, use multi-factor authentication. This way, if someone accesses your password, they won't be able to access your data or open your device because they don't have, for example, your fingerprint.

Rather than saving your password in your browser, use a secure password management tool like 1Password to help you manage passwords securely across multiple devices.

2. Transfer Data Securely

When you're transferring data, it's crucial that you don't let sensitive information fall into the wrong hands. There are many ways to transfer data more securely, but here are two suggestions.

  • Encrypt files before you share them via email or the cloud. Even if hackers intercept the files, they won't be able to read the content.

  • Try OneNote. The app lets you send someone a secure link to a file. Once they click the link, it disappears so the data's no longer accessible.

3. Learn to Identify Phishing Scams

Phishing is a technique cybercriminals use to trick people into sharing sensitive data. Essentially, hackers send you an email, posing as a legitimate company to lure you into revealing financial, business, or other private information. Here are some tips for identifying these scam emails.

  • Double-check the sender's email address to see if it's legitimate.

  • If there's a link, hover over the URL and check where it leads.

  • Don't download or open any files if you're not expecting them. You can always check with the sender first to verify it's an authentic email.


There's no need for cybersecurity to be complicated. By introducing just a few simple changes to your IT environment, you can quickly and effectively protect your business data from many common cyber threats. Contact us today to find out more.

PCS is a world-class leader in protecting data & identity for businesses and non-profits. We provide a critical service to businesses and non-profits by managing cybersecurity risks, including ransomware, crypto walkers, phishing emails, and other evolving cyber crimes. See how IT services can benefit your company.


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