Comparing Security Awareness Training Programs: What to Look For?

Written By: Dan Hernandez

close up on hands taking notes in a notebook next to a computer

The cybersecurity landscape is continuously evolving, and so should your defense strategy. One of the most effective ways to protect your business is through a comprehensive security awareness training program.

1. The Importance of Security Awareness Training

The value of cyber security awareness training cannot be overstated. Cyber threats have become increasingly sophisticated, and employee error is often a significant factor in security breaches. A solid security awareness program helps educate employees on the latest cyber security threats, promotes a positive security awareness culture, and reduces the risk of security incidents.

2. Key Features to Look for in Security Awareness Training Programs

When comparing the top security awareness training programs of 2023, it's important to understand the essential features that make a program effective. Here are some key features to consider:

Comprehensive Coverage of Security Topics

An excellent training program should cover a wide range of security topics, from basic security awareness training to more specific topics like email security, data security, and cybersecurity threats. It should also update regularly to incorporate the latest cyber security threats and trends. This helps ensure that employees are prepared to face a variety of potential threats and understand the importance of security in different contexts.

Engaging Training Content

Content is king, and in a security awareness training program, it needs to be engaging to maximize impact. The use of video, interactive quizzes, real-life scenarios, and gamified elements can help to grab the user's attention and enhance learning. The training content should be presented in a way that is easy to understand and encourages employees to be proactive in applying what they've learned.

Simulation Platform

The old adage "practice makes perfect" is particularly true in the context of security awareness. Look for programs that offer simulated phishing and training platforms. These platforms allow users to apply what they've learned in a safe environment, providing invaluable hands-on experience and reinforcing key concepts.

Continuous Updates

The world of cyber threats is constantly evolving, so your training should too. The best security awareness training programs offer continuous updates, ensuring that your team is always equipped with the most current information. This includes updates on new threats, new prevention strategies, and changes to regulations or industry standards.

Ease of Use

An effective training platform should be user-friendly, encouraging employees to engage with the program. It should also provide training admins with easy-to-use tools for assigning videos, tracking progress, and analyzing results. This makes it easier to integrate the program into your existing workflow and to tailor the training to the specific needs of your team.


Every organization is unique, and your training program should reflect this. Look for programs that allow you to tailor the training to your organization's specific needs, industry, and culture. This could include customizing the content, incorporating your company's policies, or even designing your own simulated phishing attacks.

Reporting and Analytics

Finally, top security awareness training programs should offer robust reporting and analytics capabilities. This allows you to track the effectiveness of the training, identify areas where more training may be needed, and demonstrate compliance with industry regulations. Analytics can also provide valuable insights into your team's strengths and weaknesses, helping you to develop a more effective security strategy.

By focusing on these key features, you can choose a security awareness training program that not only educates your employees but also helps to foster a culture of security awareness and resilience within your organization.

3. Top Security Awareness Training Vendors in 2023

Numerous vendors offer comprehensive security awareness training programs. Among the best security awareness training vendors in 2023 are Infosec IQ, ThreatCop, and SafeStack.

Infosec IQ Security Awareness: Known for its engaging training content and robust training platform, Infosec IQ provides a comprehensive range of security topics and automated security awareness training.

ThreatCop: This cyber security awareness solution offers a mix of training and simulated phishing platform, making it a versatile tool for businesses looking to strengthen their defense against cyber threats.

SafeStack: Specializing in small business security products, SafeStack offers a strong security awareness program. Their program includes expert training guides, simulated risks, and continuous updates to tackle the latest cyber security threats.

4. Security Awareness Training in Action: A Real-Life Scenario

After experiencing a security breach due to a phishing attack, a company decided to implement a security awareness training program. They opted for a comprehensive program from one of the top security awareness training vendors that offered a mix of training content, a simulated phishing platform, and continuous updates on the latest threats.

Within a few months, the company saw a significant reduction in the risk of security breaches. Employees were more aware of the potential threats and how to respond.

5. Conclusion

Security awareness training programs are a crucial part of any organization's defense strategy against cyber threats. These programs should offer comprehensive coverage of security topics, engaging content, a simulation platform, continuous updates, ease of use, customizability, and robust reporting and analytics. Top vendors in 2023, such as Infosec IQ, ThreatCop, and SafeStack, provide these features and more. Implementing such a program can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches by making employees more aware of potential threats and how to respond.

6. Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the importance of security awareness training? 

Security awareness training is important because it educates employees on the latest cyber threats, promotes a positive security culture, and reduces the risk of security incidents.

2. What are the key features to look for in a security awareness training program?

Key features to look for include comprehensive coverage of security topics, engaging content, a simulation platform, continuous updates, ease of use, customizability, and robust reporting and analytics.
3. Who are the top security awareness training vendors in 2023? 

The top security awareness training vendors in 2023 are Infosec IQ, ThreatCop, and SafeStack.
4. How can a security awareness training program be implemented in real-life scenarios? 

A real-life example of implementing a security awareness training program is the XYZ Company, which saw a significant reduction in the risk of security breaches after implementing a comprehensive program.
5. How does a security awareness training program help in fostering a culture of security awareness and resilience within an organization? 

A security awareness training program helps foster a culture of security awareness and resilience by educating employees on potential threats, providing hands-on experience through simulations, and continuously updating them on new threats and prevention strategies.

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